Baroness Tessa Jowelll Portrait Painting Commision
Portrait Painted by David Newens

Baroness Tessa Jowell DBE

It would normally be my practice to avoid having the subject smile in a portrait painting. However, I was persuaded by Baroness Tessa Jowell that she most definitely wished to be portrayed with a smile, which I came to realise is very much part of her cheerful/optimistic personality and entirely appropriate. The print on the wall behind her head is by Terry Frost RA.

Exhibited at Royal Society of Portrait Painters

Oil on Linen on Board
30 x 24 in. 76 x 61 cm.
Dimensions of portraits are given with height followed by width. All dimensions are close approximations.
Guide Price
Guide price for similar portrait painting £4,500-£5,500
Please see price guide for more information.
Contact David to discuss a commissions and pricing.

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